1. Section 1 – General.
      1. Those persons registered as Democrats to vote in Wyoming shall be members of the Democratic Party of Wyoming.
    1. Section 1 – General.
      1. Subject to law and applicable rules, regulations, or guidelines promulgated or lawfully authorized by the Democratic National Convention or Committee, the Democratic Party of Wyoming shall be governed by the Democratic State Convention, the Democratic County Conventions, the Democratic State Central Committee, and the County Democratic Central Committees.
    2. Section 2 – The Democratic State Convention.
      1. The Democratic State Convention shall be the supreme governing body of the Democratic Party of Wyoming.
    3. Section 3 – The Democratic State Central Committee.
      1. The Democratic State Central Committee shall direct the operations of the Democratic Party of Wyoming as provided by law and these bylaws and by the direction of the Democratic State Convention.
    4. Section 4 – The County Democratic Convention.
      1. The County Democratic Conventions shall assist the Democratic State Convention in governing the Democratic Party in the respective counties as provided by law and these bylaws.
    5. Section 5 – The County Democratic Central Committee.
      1. The County Democratic Central Committees shall assist the State Central Committee in directing the operations of the Democratic Party in the respective counties as provided by law and these bylaws.
    6. Section 6- The Young Democrats of Wyoming.
      1. The Young Democrats of Wyoming are Democrats aged 35 and younger.
    1. Section 1 – Composition.
      1. The following individuals shall be members of the Wyoming Democratic State Central Committee:
        1. Members of the Executive Committee of the Wyoming Democratic Party as provided in Article III, Section 8, E. of these bylaws
        2. County Chairs and County Vice Chairs duly elected by their respective County Central Committees
        3. State Committeemen and State Committeewomen duly elected by their respective County Central Committees
        4. Caucus Chairs who are duly elected by their respective Certified Caucus.
        5. Incumbent Democratic Members of the Wyoming State Legislature
        6. Incumbent Democratic Members elected or appointed to Wyoming Constitutional Offices
        7. Incumbent Democratic Members of the United States Senate Representing the State of Wyoming
        8. Incumbent Democratic Members of the United States Congress Representing the State of Wyoming
    2. Section 2 – Voting.
      1. No Central Committee member shall have more than one regular vote. That does not preclude a committee member from exercising proxies for absent members under Section 4.
    3. Section 3 – Meetings and Special Meetings.
      1. The State Chair shall call meetings of the Central Committee and set the dates and locations of the meetings. The chair shall call at least three meetings a year, including in each odd-numbered year at least one meeting between April 1st and June 14th.
      2. A minimum of ten members of the Central Committee may request a special meeting of the Central Committee. They shall make that request in writing with their reasons for the request. The requests may be individually submitted or submitted on a single document as long as all ten requestors are verified by the Executive Director as Central Committee members. The State Chair shall schedule the special meeting at a time and place which in the Chair’s judgment allows the greatest number of Central Committee members to attend, and in consultation with the requestors, but in no case shall the time between the receipt of the tenth member’s request and the special meeting exceed 60 days
    4. Section 4 – Proxies.
      1. Members of the Democratic State Central Committee may deputize, by signed proxy, substitutes to act for them at any meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee, but any such substitutes must be registered Democrats residing in the counties which their principals represent. Any member may vote his own and one additional proxy from the same county. A proxy holder who is not a member shall have only one vote and shall not be entitled to vote other proxies.
    5. Section 5 – Call.
      1. The Chair shall call a Central Committee meeting by providing notice to all members a least ten (10) days before the meeting, including the time and place of the meeting and a draft agenda.
    6. Section 6 – Powers and Duties.
      1. The Central Committee shall perform the duties and functions specified by statute and these by laws and may adopt resolutions as necessary or appropriate.
      2. The Central Committee shall determine the date and place of each Democratic State Convention.
      3. When the State Convention is not in session, the State Central Committee shall govern the Democratic Party in Wyoming.
    7. Section 7 – Elections.
      1. At the Spring meeting in odd numbered years following a Presidential election, the State Central Committee shall organize by election the following officers, none of whom need be members of the Central Committee, but who must be qualified Wyoming voters and registered Democrats: State Chair, State Vice Chair (who shall self-identify as not of the same gender than that of the State Chair), State Treasurer, and State Secretary. Each officer shall serve a four-year term beginning upon election and ending when a successor has been elected. After State Party elections the State Chair and State Secretary shall certify the names of party officers elected to the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee.
      2. The Democratic Caucus of the Wyoming House of Representatives and the Democratic Caucus of the Wyoming Senate shall each elect one representative from the Caucus to the State Central Committee. Each Caucus shall inform the State Chairman who has been elected as their representative. If no election is held, the Democratic leader of the chamber may appoint a member of the Democratic caucus as the representative to the Executive Committee. Otherwise, the caucus chair shall be the representative to the Executive Committee
    8. Section 8 – State Party Officers.
      1. The Chair shall:
        1. Perform duties and functions specified by statute and exercise all general powers usually vested in the office of Chair consistent with these bylaws.
        2. Be executive officer of the Wyoming Democratic Party, preside at all Central Committee and Executive Committee meetings, and see that their orders and resolutions are executed.
        3. Coordinate state campaigns subject to direction from the Convention or Central Committee.
        4. With the assistance of the State Treasurer and Executive Director, prepare a biennial budget within 60 days of the election of the State Party Officers.
        5. Be custodian, and authorize expenditure, of funds of the State Central Committee.
        6. With the Treasurer, prepare and file all financial reports required by law and provide a copy of any such report to any member of the State Central Committee who request one.
        7. With the approval of the Executive Committee, hire the State Executive Director and set the Executive Director’s salary within the approved budget.
        8. Appoint a parliamentarian to assist in meetings of the State Central and Executive Committees.
      2. The Vice Chair shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chair during any absence or disability and perform other duties as requested by the Chair.
      3. The Treasurer shall perform the duties and functions specified by law. The Treasurer shall be legally responsible for federal and state election reports. The Treasurer shall assist the Chair in the duties related to custody and expenditure of party funds and may sign Party checks. The Treasurer shall help the Chair prepare a biennial budget.
      4. The Secretary shall perform duties and functions required by law, keep minutes of meetings, furnish copies of minutes to members, and perform other duties as requested by the Chair.
      5. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, National Committeeman, National Committeewoman, Senate Democratic Caucus Chairman, Wyoming House of Representatives Democratic Caucus Chair, Chair of the Young Democrats and the Chair of the each Caucus recognized by the Central Committee pursuant to Article VIII of these Bylaws.
      6. The Executive Committee shall approve the biennial budget.
      7. The Executive Director shall:
        1. Act as administrator of the Party under the direction of the Chair;
        2. Assure compliance with federal and state election laws and regulations;
        3. Supervise the operations of the State Office and direct other staff;
        4. Help the Treasurer and Chair prepare a biennial budget.
        5. Organize State Party fundraising events;
        6. Work with National Party offices and officers;
        7. Advise and assist Central Committee members and other Party officials;
        8. Attend regional and national meetings as appropriate; and
        9. Perform other duties as directed by the Chair.
    9. Section 9 – Vacancies.
      1. If the office of Chair becomes vacant, the Vice Chair shall call a meeting of the Central Committee within sixty (60) days to elect a new Chair. To ensure gender equity, the Vice Chair must resign from office if he or she wishes to run for Chair. If the Vice Chair resigns, the Central Committee shall elect a new Chair and Vice Chair. If the Vice Chair chooses to retain their position, the Central Committee shall elect a Chair of who self-identifies as a different gender than that of the Vice Chair. If any other elective office becomes vacant, the Chair shall appoint a replacement subject to subsequent approval or election by the Central Committee.
    10. Section 10 – Subcommittees.
      1. The following permanent standing subcommittees of the Central Committee shall function as indicated:
        1. The Finance Subcommittee shall consist of the Chair, the Executive Director, the Treasurer, and other members of the Democratic Party appointed by the Chair. It shall advise and assist the Chair on fundraising, budget, and other financial matters.
        2. The Message and Issues Subcommittee shall consist of at least one member from the Executive Committee, one member from a Democratic Caucus of the Wyoming Legislature, and three or more other members from the Central Committee or the Caucuses of the Wyoming Legislature appointed by the Chair. This subcommittee shall help to formulate the message of the Wyoming Democratic Party, may help the Central Committee consider proposals for the Party to take positions on issues, may prepare guidance for Democratic candidates on issues, and may make recommendations for communicating the message of the party.
        3. The Bylaws Subcommittee shall consist of at least one Wyoming member of the Democratic National Committee and three or more other members of the Wyoming Democratic Party appointed by the Chair and approved by the Central Committee. The subcommittee will review and, when necessary, propose revisions to the Bylaws for the next Democratic State Convention The subcommittee shall reflect the diversity of Wyoming.
        4. The Delegate Selection Plan Committee shall consist of at least one Wyoming member of the Democratic National Committee and three or more other members of the Wyoming Democratic Party appointed by the Chair and approved by the Central Committee. As necessary, it shall draft the Wyoming Delegate Selection Plan for use in electing the Wyoming Delegation to the next National Convention or conference. Members will ensure that the Wyoming Democratic Party and the County Parties are in compliance with the Delegate Selection Plan. The subcommittee shall reflect the diversity of Wyoming.
    11. Section 11—Code of Conduct for the Wyoming Democratic Party
      1. Prevention Measures
        1. Members will be required to take harassment training.
      2. Misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
        1. Harassment as defined under Wyoming Statute 6-2-506.
        2. Harassment as defined by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
        3. Disrespect towards the Wyoming Democratic Party Members by Central Committee or Executive Committee Members, which includes repeated use of derogatory language toward and/or the verbal harassment of fellow Members.
      3. Neglect of Duty
        1. Neglect of Duty includes:
          1. not following procedures and/or abusing such responsibilities as outlined in these Bylaws.
          2. Avoiding the responsibilities of office.
      4. Misrepresenting the Wyoming Democratic Party publicly for the purpose of self- promotion. This would include intentionally damaging the Party’s reputation or undermining its mission.
      5. Section 12 – Removal Procedures for Wyoming Democratic Party Committee Members
        1. A member of the Wyoming Democratic Party Central Committee or Executive Committee may be removed from office or sanctioned for violating the Wyoming Democratic Party Code of Conduct by the following procedure:
        2. Any member of the Wyoming Democratic Party may file a grievance against a Member(s) of the Wyoming Democratic Party Executive Committee or State Central Committee.
        3. The grievance shall contain a written statement detailing the allegation(s) with the Secretary of the Executive Committee.
        4. If the accused Committee member is the Secretary of the Wyoming Democratic Party, the grievance shall be filed with the State Chair, who will assume all duties as related to this section.
        5. The identity of the accuser(s) shall be protected to the extent necessary to protect the accuser(s).
        6. All information regarding the allegation will be treated confidentially.
        7. If the Executive Committee determines the accusation potentially involves criminal behavior the accuser will be advised to contact the appropriate law enforcement agency. This process for removal shall continue parallel with any law enforcement actions.
        8. The Secretary of the Wyoming Democratic Party (or the Chair) shall notify the Executive Committee and the accused Committee Member of the charges and the date on which they were received. The accused may be temporarily suspended from duties by the Executive Committee and will be instructed to not contact the accuser, for the duration of the process.
        9. The Executive Committee of the Wyoming Democratic Party shall consider the charges and offer the accused an opportunity to respond.
        10. The Secretary (or the Chair) shall give notice to the accused of the nature of the grievance by certified mail. The accused shall then have 14 days from certified confirmation of receiving the notice to respond to the allegation(s).
        11. If no response is received within 14 days, on the 15th day, as described by sub-section 4-a, the Executive Committee shall move forward with sub-sections five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), and nine (9).
        12. The Executive Committee shall then expeditiously investigate the grievance through appropriate measures, which may include: interviews with both the accuser(s) and accused persons, further interviews with witnesses, mediation or similar administrative actions.
        13. Concluding the investigation, the Executive Committee shall make a recommendation(s) regarding the grievance towards the accused person(s) by a simple majority vote.
        14. The Executive Committee’s recommendation shall be forwarded to the State Central Committee for a decision. In the case that the Central Committee may require additional information, a member of the Central Committee shall make a request to the Executive Committee for further details pertaining to the grievance.
        15. The State Central Committee may decide to remove with a two-thirds vote of members present. Any other decision may require a simple majority vote by the Central Committee of members present.
        16. Any final decision(s) approved by the Central Committee shall go into effect immediately and all parties shall be informed by certified mail the next business day from the State Chair.
    1. Section 1 – Composition.
      1. The State Convention shall be composed from the several counties as selected by the County Conventions and apportioned as follows: Each county shall be entitled to:
        1. one delegate for each 600 votes, plus one delegate for any votes cast in addition to a multiple of 600 votes cast in the county for national and state candidates of the Democratic Party (exclusive of candidates for the State Senate and the State House of Representatives) at the preceding Presidential election. The number of votes cast shall be determined by taking an average of the votes received by such candidates; and
        2. one delegate for each 3,000 residents of the county as determined by the last federal census, plus one delegate for any number of residents in addition to a multiple of 3,000 votes. A Democratic county convention may double the number of delegates thus allocated to its county by providing that each delegate shall have half a vote. Votes shall not otherwise be apportioned.
    2. Section 2 – Alternate Delegates.
      1. In the absence of any delegate to the State Convention, an alternate may vote in place of that delegate. If too few elected alternates are in attendance at the Convention from any county, the Chair of the County Delegation may appoint as alternate any resident of the county who was registered as a Democrat at least fifteen (15) days prior to that county’s convention and who, in presidential years, signs a pledge of support to the presidential or uncommitted preference of the delegate being replaced. An alternate shall not replace a delegate until the Chair of the County Delegation has notified the Credentials and Ballots committee of the replacement.
    3. Section 3 – When Convened; Procedures.
      1. Conventions shall be held in even numbered years. A Convention may continue into succeeding days as required, but may not be recessed or continued into any but a succeeding day.
      2. The order of business at the Democratic State Convention shall be:
        1. Call to order by the Chair.
        2. Report of the Credentials and Ballots Committee on the following:
        3. Credentials and seating of delegates;
        4. In presidential years, the proportional preference of the delegates for Presidential candidates or uncommitted preference;
        5. The number of National Delegates earned by each Presidential candidate and uncommitted preference based on the overall Presidential vote of the convention. (in presidential years).
        6. Report of the Nominating committee regarding Convention Chair and the election of the Convention Chair.
        7. Adoption of Convention Rules.
        8. Election of National Committeeman and National Committeewoman in presidential election years.
        9. Election of delegates to the Democratic National Convention in presidential years.
        10. Report of the Nominating Committee regarding Presidential electors and election of presidential election years.
        11. Report of the Delegate Selection and Bylaws Subcommittee of the Central Committee regarding the Wyoming Delegate Selection Plan and debate on proposed revisions of bylaws, if any.
        12. Report of the Resolutions and Platform Committee and adoption of the Resolutions and Platform.
        13. Other business.
        14. Adjournment. Introductions, addresses, and sundry activities may be interspersed in the order of business at the discretion of the Democratic State Chair and the Chair of the Convention.
      3. Special State Conventions may be held at the call of the Chair for the purposes of amending the bylaws or considering other emergency business. The provisions on convening regular conventions and their procedure shall be followed for special conventions as far as possible.
    4. Section 4 – Call.
      1. The State Chair shall call the State Convention by filing notices in the offices of the Secretary of State and each County Clerk not later than twenty (20) days before the date of the convention.  The notice shall state the total number of delegates and alternates and the number of delegates and alternates apportioned to each county and summarize any proposed amendments to the bylaws to be considered at the State Convention. The State Chair shall also notify all delegates and alternates elected at the county conventions at least thirty (30) days prior to the State Convention. Said notification shall include the date, time and place of the convention, the convention agenda, any current proposed amendments to the bylaws to be considered at the convention, and other such information as is deemed necessary.
    5. Section 5 – Powers and Duties.
      1. The Convention shall have the following powers and duties:
        1. to nominate electors for President and Vice President of the United States;
        2. to elect Wyoming’s National Committeeman and National Committeewoman in Presidential election years;
        3. to select delegates and alternates to the National Convention in accordance with the Delegate Selection Plan adopted by the State Central Committee and approved by the Democratic National Committee;
        4. To adopt a platform;
        5. To formulate or change these bylaws so long as consistent with law and the National Democratic Party bylaws;
    6. Section 6 – Officers.
      1. Election
        1. A Convention Chair shall be elected by a majority of votes of the Convention delegates from the nominees presented by the Nominating Committee.
        2. A Convention Secretary, a Parliamentarian, and a Sergeant at Arms shall be appointed by the Convention Chair.
        3. The Convention Chair shall preside over the convention and have all powers and duties normally incident to the office or specified in these bylaws.
        4. The Convention Secretary shall record the activities which occur on the Convention floor, take and record votes, and accept exhibits and written reports and papers presented to the convention. The Secretary may employ clerks to assist.
        5. The Convention Parliamentarian shall advise the Chair on all issues of procedure coming before the Convention and referred to him or her by the Chair.
        6. The Sergeant at Arms shall preserve order on the floor of the Convention as directed by the Chair. The Sergeant at Arms may appoint aides.
        7. The State Chair shall open the convention and perform the duties of Convention Chair until the Convention Chair is elected. The Chair may assist the Convention Chair and Convention Secretary in their duties and shall take over the duties of Convention Chair in the absence or disability of the Convention Chair.
    7. Section 7 – Committees.
      1. The following committees shall be appointed as provided in Section 7 Paragraph D.
      2. The Nominating Committee shall consist of five members. It shall make nominations for the office of Convention Chair and electors for President and Vice President of the United States. This committee shall meet at the call of the State Chair. It shall also nominate such delegates to the national convention as specified by the Delegate Selection Plan.
      3. The Credentials and Ballots Committee shall consist of not less than five members. It shall:
        1. Examine credentials challenges as provided in Article VIII, Section 3 of these bylaws;
        2. Count any written ballots cast by the delegates during the Convention and report results to the Convention;
        3. Assist the Chair and Secretary in conducting a poll of the delegates by county when necessary;
        4. In Presidential elections, determine and report the proportion of presidential preference and uncommitted preference of the delegates. It shall also report the number of delegates in each category to be elected by the presidential preference of uncommitted preference caucuses. This committee shall meet during the week before the start of the convention at the call of the State Chair.
      4. The Resolutions and Platform Committee shall consist of 35 members selected by the State Chair; one from each county and 12 at-large members. At least one member of the Committee must be a member of the Message and Issues Subcommittee, and at least one Committee member must be an incumbent elected federal, state or county official. The persons who meet these requirements may be among the 23 members of the Committee who represent their respective counties. The Committee shall consider all suggestions for resolutions and for the platform planks submitted by the County Conventions, shall meet prior to the State Convention at the call of the committee’s chairman, and it shall make recommendations thereon to the State Convention. The committee chairman may appoint a subcommittee to prepare an initial draft of the platform.
      5. The Resolutions and Platform Committee or its subcommittee shall consider only resolutions and or platform planks that have been endorsed by at least one County Convention or a majority of the committee’s members.
      6. The State Convention may consider suggestions for resolutions and or platform planks only if: a. the suggestion has been recommended to the Convention by the Resolutions and Platform Committee. Such suggestions may be modified by the convention through amendments which are germane to the suggestion. Such amendments must have a minimum of five sponsors. b. or, a suggestion has a two-thirds vote of the convention delegates for introduction.
      7. The State Chair shall appoint members and a committee chair for each Convention Committee. The chair shall notify all appointees and State Central Committee members of these appointments in writing no later than 45 days before the Convention. A special meeting of the Central Committee may modify these appointments if ten or more Central Committee members request such a meeting in writing not later than 30 days before the Convention. The requests may be individually submitted or submitted on a single document as long as all ten requestors are verified by the Executive Director as Central Committee members. The State Chair shall schedule the special meeting no later than ten days before the Convention, at a time and place which in the Chair’s judgment allows the greatest number of Central Committee members to attend, and in consultation with the requestors.
    8. Section 8 – Election of Wyoming National Committeeman and National Committeewoman.
      1. The Wyoming National Committeeman and National Committeewoman shall be selected in separate elections as follows:
        1. Nominations shall be made from the Convention floor.
        2. Delegates shall be polled by county. If no nominee receives a majority of the votes, the nominee receiving the fewest votes shall be removed from the ballot, and a further poll conducted, and so on until a nominee is elected by receiving a majority of the votes.
        3. Four-year terms for the National Committeeman and National Committeewoman will begin on the day the National Convention adjourns and end on the day the next National Convention adjourns.
        4. Vacancies in the offices of National Committeeman or National Committeewoman shall be filled by the Central Committee, who will elect a successor to fill out the term.
        5. The State Chair shall certify the names of National Committeemen and National Committeewomen elected with the Secretary’s Office of the Democratic National Committee.
    9. Section 9 – Voting.
      1. Except as provided in the Delegate Selection Plan, State Convention shall be vote by polling the county delegations, with each county reporting the division of the vote within the county. Any delegate can challenge the report of his county, whereupon the votes of the delegates within the county shall be recorded by roll call. Only those delegates present (or alternates sitting in place of absent delegates) may vote. However, the presiding officer may at his or her discretion call for and conduct a voice vote unless any delegate objects.
    10. Section 10 – Presidential Electors.
      1. In Presidential election years, for each member of Congress from Wyoming (presently three), one Presidential elector shall be elected at the State Convention. Those nominees receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected and certified with the Secretary of State. In performing their duties, Presidential electors shall comply with Sections 22-10- 101 through 109, of the Wyoming Election Code.
    11. Section 11 – Certification of Presidential Electors.
      1. The State Chair and State Secretary shall certify the names of the presidential electors elected with the Secretary of State.
    1. Section 1 – Composition, Elections, Residency Requirements, Vacancies.
      1. The County Central Committee of the Democratic Party consists of precinct committeemen and committeewomen elected in the county at the regular biennial primary election or elected or appointed to fill vacancies under Article V, Section 1C. Each precinct shall elect one committeeman and one committeewoman for each 250 votes, or major fraction thereof, cast for the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in the last general election, but provided that no precinct shall be entitled to less than one precinct committeeman and one committeewoman. Precinct committeemen and committeewomen shall be Democrats registered and residing in that precinct. If a precinct boundary line is changed for any reason, the County Commissioners shall determine the number of precinct committeemen and precinct committeewomen to which the affected precinct is entitled.
      2. A tie vote for precinct committeeman or precinct committeewoman shall be broken by lots cast by the County Canvassing Board.
      3. Should a precinct committeeman or committeewoman vacancy in the County Central Committee occur should there be a failure to elect a precinct committeeman or committeewoman in the primary election, the County Central Committee shall elect a Democrat registered and residing in the precinct to fill the vacancy. The County Chair, with the approval of the County Central Committee, may appoint a Democrat registered and residing in the precinct to fill the vacancy. Notice of appointments shall be reported to the County Clerk within ten days.
      4. For voting purposes, any voting members of the County Central Committee must be appointed or elected at the previous meeting.
    2. Section 2 – Meetings, Notices, Publications.
      1. The County Central Committee shall meet and organize, under the direction of the County Chair, at the time and place determined by the County Chair and shall also publish a notice of all meetings of the County Central Committee in a form that ensures general countywide circulation not less than two days prior to a meeting. The County Chair shall notify all members not less than five (5) days prior to the meeting. Special meetings may be held on call of the County Chair or by written notice of 25% of the duly elected or appointed County Central Committee members. The County Chair shall make every attempt to notify all members of the County Central Committee of any special meeting.
    3. Section 3 – Organization, Election of Officers.
      1. The County Central Committee shall meet at the county seat at least 30 days prior to the state meeting of each odd-numbered year at a time and place determined by the County Chair. The County Chair shall send written notice of the meeting to the County Clerk not less than ten days before this meeting. At the meeting the County Central Committee shall elect the Chair, the Vice Chair, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the State Committeeman and State Committeewoman of the County Central Committee. The Vice Chair shall self-identify as a different gender than that of the County Chair, unless no one of a different gender is willing to serve as Vice Chair, in which case the county may elect a Vice Chair of the same gender as that of the County Chair. These officers need not be a member of the County Central Committee, but each must be a qualified Democratic voter of and reside in the county. They shall serve for a term of two years or until successors are elected and qualified. The county chair and the state committeeman and committeewoman shall not serve as voting members of the county central committee unless they are also precinct committeemen or committeewomen. No voting member of the County Central Committee shall have more than one vote.
    4. Section 4 – Proxies.
      1. Members of the County Central Committee may deputize, by signed proxy, substitutes to act for them at any meeting, but such substitutes must be registered Democrats residing in the county which their principals represent. Any member of the County Central Committee may vote his own and one additional proxy from the same county. A proxy holder who is not a member shall have only one vote and shall not be entitled to vote other proxies.
    5. Section 5 – Powers and Duties.
      1. The County Central Committee shall perform all duties and functions required by law and these bylaws. It shall have the governing power of the Democratic Party in its county, in accordance with these bylaws.
    6. Section 6 – Officers.
      1. The County Chair shall perform the duties and functions as required by law and these bylaws. The Chair shall:
        1. have all the general powers of supervision and management usually vested in the office of Chair, not inconsistent with these bylaws;
        2. be the executive officer of the county party, shall preside at all meetings of the County Central Committee, and shall ensure that all orders of such committee are carried into effect;
        3. conduct all county campaigns, subject to the approval of the County Central Committee;
        4. be the custodian of the funds of the County Central Committee, shall keep a record of all funds received and disbursed, and report the same to the County Central Committee when requested to do so.
      2. Funds of the County Central Committee shall be spent only on the specific and personal Authorization of the County Chair.
      3. The Chair may sign checks of the Central Committee. No authorization shall be given for deficiency spending.
      4. The County Vice Chair (who shall self-identify as not of the same gender than that of the County Chair). The Vice Chair shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the County Chair during any absence or disability. The Vice Chair shall perform such other duties as requested by the County Chair.
      5. The County Treasurer shall perform the duties and functions as required by law and these bylaws. The Treasurer shall:
        1. assist the County Chair in duties relative to fundraising and the custody, reporting, record keeping, and expenditure of the money of the committee as requested by the County Chair;
        2. be required to furnish bond, at the discretion of the County Chair;
        3. sign checks for the committee.
      6. The County Secretary shall perform the duties and functions as required by law and these bylaws. The Secretary shall:
        1. keep the minutes of all meetings of the County Central Committee and of all subcommittees of which the Secretary is a member;
        2. furnish copies of minutes of all such meetings to members of the respective committee and subcommittees upon request within thirty (30) days after each meeting;
        3. perform such other duties as requested by the County Chair.
      7. In the event of a vacancy in the office of County Chair, the County Vice Chair shall become the County Chair for the balance of the term.
      8. Vacancies among other County Party offices shall be filled by election at the meeting of the County Central Committee held after the vacancy.
    7. Section 7 – Subcommittees.
      1. Subcommittees may be appointed by the County Chair to assist in the Chair’s duties as necessary. Such subcommittees shall meet at the Chair’s call.
    8. Section 8 – Clubs.
      1. The County Central Committee may authorize and establish as many Democratic Clubs as deemed necessary in the respective county. Such clubs may promulgate and operate under their own rules and regulations, but such rules and regulations must be consistent with these bylaws.
    1. Section 1 – Composition.
      1. A. The County Convention in each county shall be composed of persons residing in the county and registered as Democrats within the county at least five (5) days prior to the convention and present at the County Convention. Each person shall have one vote on each issue provided that on votes for delegates to the Democratic State Convention in presidential years, the votes shall be determined in accordance with the Delegate Selection Plan approved by the State Central Committee and the Democratic National Committee. On votes for delegates to the State Convention in non-presidential years, each person may vote for as many nominees as there are delegates to be elected.
    2. Section 2 – Meetings.
      1. All regular County Conventions shall preferably be held at the county seat of the county during even numbered years on the date and hour fixed by the County Central Committee in accordance with any directive of the State Central Committee. Special County Conventions may be called by the County Chair when it appears there is a necessity for a special convention. The duties that the convention is to perform shall be designated in the call. The order of business at the County Convention is as follows:
        1. Call to order by the County Chair.
        2. Report of the Credentials and Ballots Committee regarding credentials and qualifications of the delegates.
        3. Presidential preference vote during Presidential election years.
        4. Election of delegates to the State Convention.
        5. Report of the Resolutions and Platform Committee and adoption of a County Platform.
        6. Other Business.
        7. Adjournment. Introductions, addresses, and other activities may be interspersed in the order of business at the discretion of the County Chair and the Convention Chair.
    3. Section 3 – Call.
      1. No later than twenty (20) days before the date of the County Convention of each even numbered year, the County Chair shall file with the State Chair a call for the County Convention in the county stating the time and place of such convention. The Chair shall give notice pursuant to Article VIII, Section 2, of these bylaws.
    4. Section 4 – Powers and Duties.
      1. Each County Convention may adopt a County Party platform and resolutions, select delegates and alternates to the State Convention, and perform other duties and functions as required by law and these bylaws.
    5. Section 5 – Committees.
      1. The following committees shall be appointed to act at each County Convention and shall be appointed at least ten (10) days prior to the Convention by the County Chair, who shall designate the Committee Chairs:
        1. The Credentials and Ballots Committee shall consist of three members and have the following duties:
          1. It shall check the name of each person present at the convention against an official registration list and report to the convention the number of persons certified to vote. Any person arriving after said report shall not be entitled to be certified or vote at the convention.
          2. It shall hear all credentials challenges that have been submitted to the County Chair. The hearing procedure shall be the same as provided under Article VIII, Section 3 of these bylaws.
          3. It shall assist the Convention Chair and Convention Secretary in conducting a poll of the delegates when necessary.
          4. This Committee may appoint, when necessary, clerks to assist in checking the names of those present against an official registration list and in polling delegates when required.
        2. The Resolutions and Platform Committee shall be comprised of members, the number of which has been determined by the County Chair. It shall consider all suggestions for resolutions and for the County Platform, making such recommendations to the Convention. The Convention shall act on said recommendations and receive and act on recommendations made from the floor as well. Said Committee shall meet at the call of its Chair.
    6. Section 6 – Delegates and Alternates to the Democratic State Convention.
      1. Delegate and Alternate Delegates to the State Convention from the several counties shall be elected in numbers as allocated to the respective counties as follows:
      2. Any person registered as a Democrat at least five (5) days prior to said County Convention may be nominated as a delegate to the State Convention by making written request prior to the convention or by nomination from the floor. The nominee must be present at the convention for a floor nomination. In making the nomination, the candidate’s presidential or uncommitted preference shall be given and recorded. Honorary or special positions in themselves do not qualify a person for nomination or election as such delegates or alternate delegates.
      3. The County Convention shall determine whether to send delegates to the State Convention with one vote each or one half vote each.
      4. In each presidential or uncommitted preference, the number of nominees of each gender equal to the number determined for the respective categories by the Credentials and Ballots Committee under the Delegate Selection Plan, who receive the highest number of votes, shall be elected. Prior to the election, the Chair shall urge that the ballots be cast so as to obtain a delegation which is a fair and representative cross section of the Democratic Party throughout the county with consideration being given to geographical distribution, occupation, age, sex, race, and presidential or uncommitted status.
      5. Those nominees in each status who receive the next highest number of votes after the elected delegates shall be alternates. The alternate delegates so elected shall stand in order to replace delegates, the first being the one receiving the most votes, the second, the one receiving the second most votes, etc. A delegate shall be replaced by an alternate from the same category. If none is available, all of the delegates in the same category shall select an alternate from another category in that county’s delegation or from that county’s registered Democrats.
      6. The method of voting in the election of delegates and alternate delegates by the County Convention shall be as follows:
      7. Within each presidential or uncommitted preference caucus the vote shall be by written ballot, each person present and certified by the Credentials and Ballots Committee casting his vote for as many nominees as there are delegates (or alternates) to be elected, or for a lesser number in his discretion. Provided, however, that a method of voting other than by signed, written ballot may be used if there is no objection thereto when the substitute method is proposed. A ballot cast for more nominees than there are delegates (or alternates) to be elected shall be void. An unsigned ballot shall also be void. The delegates (or alternates) elected shall be those of each gender equal to the number to be elected who receive the most votes. If the number of nominees does not exceed the number to be elected, the nominees shall be elected by voice vote.
      8. The ballots used shall be distributed to the qualified voters. Irrespective of slated presidential or uncommitted preference, every delegate and alternate to the State Convention chosen by the several County Conventions shall in all respects be a free agent to follow the dictates of his own conscience.
      9. A registration fee to cover convention expenses may be imposed or assessed on State Convention delegates, however non-payment of such fee shall not deny any delegate’s voting status. Delegates may be required to advance meal and lodging costs if they wish the same to be reserved for them.
      10. The County Chair shall serve as Chair of the County Delegation, if the County Chair is selected as a member of the Delegation. Otherwise, the Vice Chair shall serve in the Chair’s absence if the Vice Chair is selected as a member of the Delegation. If neither the Chair nor Vice Chair are in the County Delegation, the County Chair shall appoint the County Delegation Chair.
      11. If the County Central Committee desires to have pre-printed ballots for the election of delegates and alternates, the County Chair shall include in the publication of notice of the County Convention that such ballot is to be used that that Democrats interested in becoming delegates and alternates to the State Convention must advise the members of the Credentials and Ballots Committee at least 24 hours before the County Convention convenes, of their candidacy to ensure the inclusion of their names on the pre-printed ballots. The names of all qualified Democrats submitted to the Credentials and Ballots Committee shall be placed on the ballot. The use of pre-printed ballots shall not be construed to deny the right of any person to be nominated from the floor of the County Convention. In the event pre-printed ballots are used, names will be placed on the ballot by random drawing.
      12. In the event that insufficient Delegates are elected at the County Convention, in order to meet the designated number of Delegates, the County Chair may appoint Democratic residents of the County to fill the vacancies. Such appointments shall be certified in writing to the State Chair.
      13. In the event of a delegate’s absence, the County Chair may reapportion available votes and/or ½ votes to other present delegates, not to exceed 1 full vote to any registered delegate. The county chair must then inform the credentials and ballots committee of the reapportioned votes.
    7. Section 7 – Voting.
      1. Except as provided otherwise in these bylaws, all votes at the County Convention shall be polling the delegates by voice vote. In the event of a call for division, a standing vote shall be taken, and upon request of any delegate, a roll call vote shall be taken. Provided, however, that preceding any vote the Chair may inquire if there is any objection to a voice vote on the issue before the Convention, and, if there be no objection by any delegate, the issue may be resolved by voice vote. A vote on the convention floor or within a presidential or uncommitted preference caucus shall not be made by proxy.
    8. Sections 8 – Report to the Democratic State Chair.
      1. Within ten days after the County Convention, the County Chair shall certify to the State Chair, a witnessed list on the state-approved forms of convention attendees, the delegates and alternate delegates from their respective counties to the State Convention, giving the names addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and if applicable, presidential preference, and the order of priority for the alternate delegates. At the same time, they shall transmit to the State Chair a copy of the county resolutions and of the County Platform for submission to the Resolutions and Platform Committee of the State Convention.
    1. Section 1 – Definition. A caucus is a statewide organization
      1. “The Committee” references the State Central Committee
      2. Which is a constituent part of the Committee, governed by its decisions, and may not take official positions on legislation, resolutions, or other matters, which are contrary to positions taken by the Committee, but may call the Committee to take action.
      3. Consisting of Caucus Sponsors, who are members of the Caucus and of the Committee, constituting at least five percent (5%) of the full membership of the Committee.
      4. Which extends membership and full voting right to all registered Democrats who meet the membership requirements of such Caucus.
        1. Which has been found to be in compliance with the requirements noted herein and has also been found to meet the Guidelines for Certification or Recertification of Caucuses referred to below, based on an review of the application and investigation by the Bylaws Committee, whose findings shall be conclusive unless reversed by a majority of the Executive Committee.
      5. Which has been considered for certification by the Bylaws Committee and has been certified by Executive Committee in order to carry out the Purposes noted herein.
      6. Whose Chair must be a member of this Committee, and by virtue of the Caucus being certified, shall be a member of the Executive Committee.
      7. The Caucus Sponsors are Committee members, who represent a common identity, demographic or interest which is historically or currently under-represented in Democratic Party affairs and cannot adequately be represented in Democratic Party affairs by a current caucus or chartered organization, and which has provided a reasonable explanation, determined to have been supported by clear and convincing, evidence, as to why Chartering as a Statewide Organization under Article X of these Bylaws, would not be a more appropriate course of action.
      8. Caucuses established on or before June 8, 2018 will be exempt from this process, until they need to recertify upon the expiration of their term.
    2. Section 2 – Purpose.
      1. The purpose of a caucus is to Participate in the policy decisions of the Party, by, among other things, proposing Resolutions to the Resolutions Committee, bylaw amendments to the Bylaws Committee, or other such proposals to other standing committees, or to the Chair of the Committee, as may be necessary to carry out its goals and objectives. No Caucus may take independent positions on such matters which are contrary to the positions of This Committee, provided, however, that nothing herein shall prevent the Committee’s Caucuses from calling on the Wyoming Democratic Party to take any action.
      2. Encourage participation, within the Caucus’ community of interest.
      3. Promulgate and implement a Statement of Purpose and Intended Activity, aimed at expanding and strengthening the Party
      4. Make the Party more welcoming and more relevant to members of the public, the electorate, and the Committee, who identify with the goals of the Caucus.
    3. Section 3 – Guidelines for Certification, Recertification, and Decertification of Caucuses
      1. The Bylaws Committee shall promulgate Guidelines for Certification, Recertification, and Decertification of Caucuses, which shall include the process and conditions necessary to certify, recertify, or decertify a caucus.
    4. Section 4 – Certification / Recertification / Decertification
      1. Form of Application – All organizations desiring to be certified, or recertified, by the Committee as a caucus shall make application for such certification in writing on a form obtained from the Secretary of the Committee.
      2. Submission of Application – Application for Caucus Certification or Recertification must be submitted to the Secretary of the Committee, and to the Chair(s) of the Bylaws Committee at the email addresses designated for this purpose, within forty-five (45) days before the first meeting of the State Convention in the year in which the Caucus is intended to be recertified or initially certified. No application submitted outside that time- frame shall be considered. For the purposes of initial certification of Caucuses when these bylaws are enacted, certification by resolution of two-thirds (⅔) vote at the State Convention is accepted.
      3. Report of Application to the Convention – The Bylaws Committee will review the application and follow up with the organization regarding any deficiencies in the application. The applications will be presented in the Bylaws Committee report with a recommended action for the Convention.
      4. Certification at Convention – Any initial Caucus Certification must be approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote at the State Convention. Recertification must be approved by a majority vote by the Executive Committee prior the the first meeting of the State Convention. If the recertification is not approved by the Executive Committee, which would result in decertification, it may be overturned by a resolution in the State Convention by a two-thirds (⅔) vote.
    5. Section 5 – Term of Certification
      1. Certification of a Caucus shall extend until end of the following State Convention.
    1. Section 1 – An Open Party; No Discrimination.
      1. All public meetings at all levels of the Democratic Party of Wyoming shall be open to all members of the Democratic Party, without any discrimination based upon and regardless of; race, gender, age, color, creed, national origin, ethnic identity, economic status, sexual orientation, or philosophical persuasion and any such discrimination is absolutely prohibited.
      2. No test for membership in, nor any oath of loyalty to, the Democratic Party of Wyoming may be required or used which has the effect of requiring current or prospective members of the Democratic Party to acquiesce in, condone or support discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, age color, creed, national origin, ethnic identity, economic status, sexual orientation, or philosophical persuasion.
      3. The time and place for all public meetings of the Democratic Party on all levels should be publicized fully and in such a manner as to assure timely notice to all interested persons. Such meetings must be held in places accessible to all party members and large enough to accommodate all interested persons. The time, dates, places and rules for the conduct of all caucuses, conventions, meetings and other events involved in the delegate selection process shall be publicized adequately to encourage the participation of minority groups.
      4. The Democratic Party of Wyoming, on all levels, should support the broadest possible registration without discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, economic status, sexual orientation, or philosophical persuasion.
      5. The Democratic Party of Wyoming shall publicize fully and, in such manner, as to insure notice to all interested parties a full description of the legal and practical procedures for selection of Democratic Party officers and representatives on all levels. Publication of these procedures should be done in such fashion that all prospective members of the Democratic Party will be fully and adequately informed of the pertinent procedures in time to participate in each selection procedure at all levels of the Democratic Party organization.
      6. The Democratic Party of Wyoming shall publicize fully and, in such manner, as to insure notice to all interested parties a complete description of the legal and practical qualifications of all officers and representatives of the Democratic Party. Such publication shall be done in timely fashion so that all prospective candidates or applicants for any elected or appointed position within the State Democratic Party will have full and adequate opportunity to compete for office.
      7. In order to encourage full participation by all Democrats, with particular concern for minority groups, women and youth, in the delegate selection process and in all party affairs, the Democratic Party of Wyoming shall adopt and implement Affirmative Action Programs.
      8. The goal of such Affirmative Action shall be to encourage such participation in delegate selection processes and in party organizations at all levels of such groups as indicated by their presence in the Democratic electorate.
      9. This goal shall not be accomplished either directly or indirectly by the party’s imposition of mandatory quotas at any level of the delegate selection process or in other party affairs, except that equal division, at any level of delegate or committee positions, between delegate men and delegate women or committeemen and committeewomen shall not constitute violation of any provision of this sub-paragraph.
      10. Copies of the Delegate Selection Plan may be obtained from the State Democratic Headquarters, and any person may present comments to the plan to the State Chair or State Secretary thirty (30) days prior to submission of the plan to the Democratic National Committee. All minority views submitted to the State Central Committee in writing shall accompany the proposal at the time of its submission.
    2. Section 2 – Publication of Notices.
      1. The official responsible for calling a meeting of any convention or committee provided for in these bylaws shall fully publicize the time and place thereof, the name or names of the persons responsible for such meetings, and a summary of the purpose or purposes of the meeting.
      2. In the event such meeting concerns itself with the selection, nomination, appointment or election of officers or representatives of the Democratic Party, the notice shall contain a description of the appointment and election.
      3. If a county meeting is involved, said notice may be published in a newspaper of general circulation throughout the county.
      4. If a state meeting is involved, written notice shall be delivered to all members of the State Central Committee with the call of the state meeting at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.
      5. A notice may be in the form of a news release, website update, newspaper advertisement, or legal notice. Notices other than the notice of a County Central Committee meeting shall be published not less than five (5) days and not more than twelve (12) days prior to such meeting. In addition, said official responsible for calling such meeting shall attempt to secure publication through news releases to all forms of news media. All meetings shall be set at such times, dates and places, insofar as possible to encourage the greatest attendance of Democrats. Applications provided for in the Delegate Selection Plan may be submitted to the State Chair.
      6. The State Chairman shall publish a notification on the state party website with a notification to news outlets, and not less than seven (7) days prior to the date when application for selection as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention must be filed. This notice shall contain the following information:
        1. the person or persons in each county from whom such application forms can be obtained;
        2. a general summary of the selection process for delegates to the Democratic National Convention.
    3. Section 3 – Credentials Challenges.
      1. The Credentials and Ballots Committees of the State Convention and the County Democratic Conventions shall hear and report to their respective conventions on all credentials challenges. Any member of the Wyoming Democratic Party may challenge any delegate or alternate seeking a seat at the Democratic State Convention by filing the challenge in writing with the State Chair or the Convention Credentials and Ballots Committee, at least 24 hours prior to the call to order of the convention. The challenge shall state the name and address of the person challenged and the grounds for the challenge. The State chair shall refer the challenge to the Credentials and Ballots committee. Before making its report to the Convention, said committee shall hear the challenge, receiving statements thereon from the challenger, the person challenged, and any other person who can furnish information pertinent thereto. The challenger and the person challenged shall be allowed equal time for their statements. In its report to the Convention, said committee shall include the fact of the challenge, a summary of the information presented thereto, and its recommendation. The person challenged shall not vote on that portion of said report which involves his credentials.
    4. Section 4 – Quorums.
      1. A majority of the delegates to a convention shall constitute a quorum, except that the members attending a meeting of the State Central Committee or of a County Central Committee or of their committees or subcommittees, shall constitute a quorum. At the opening of such Central Committee meeting, a roll call of the members shall be made, and a record shall be made of those present in person or proxy.
    5. Section 5 – Proxy Voting.
      1. Except as provided in Article III, Section 3, and in Article V, Section 4 of these bylaws, no voting by proxy shall be permitted at the meeting of any convention, committee or subcommittee authorized by these bylaws.
    6. Section 6 – Written Ballots.
      1. Whenever, by requirement or agreement, a vote is taken by written ballot, ballots must be signed to be counted. All written ballots shall be preserved for a period of forty-five (45) days.
    7. Section 7 – Minority Reports.
      1. Upon the vote of 10% of the members of any committee or subcommittee authorized by these bylaws, a report of a minority which is submitted to the said committee or subcommittee shall be presented with the report of the Committee to the body to which the said committee or subcommittee reports. Upon the vote of 10% of the delegates to any convention authorized by the bylaws, a report submitted by a minority shall be included in the minutes of such convention.
    8. Section 8 – Pre-Nomination Endorsement.
      1. Except as provided by law, unless uncontested, no candidate for public office shall have the endorsement of the Democratic Party of Wyoming, any of its officers in their official capacity, or any of its organizational parts, including but not limited to employees, standing committees, subcommittees, and county parties, prior to nomination in the primary election.
      2. Except as provided by law, unless uncontested, no candidate for president shall have the endorsement of the Democratic Party of Wyoming, any of its officers in their official capacity, or any of its organizational parts, including but not limited to employees, standing committees, subcommittees, and county parties, prior to the adjournment of Democratic State Convention. This shall not preclude pledged delegates to a candidate from making statements in support of the candidate to whom they are pledged.
      3. Nothing in this section shall preclude any Democrat from making a personal endorsement of any candidate but prohibits use of his or her Democratic organizational title, association or resource.
    9. Section 9 – Wyoming Law.
      1. The legally applicable provisions of Wyoming law relating to political committees and conventions are a party of these bylaws by reference.
    10. Section 10 – Availability of Bylaws.
      1. The State Chair shall furnish a copy of the bylaws to any Democrat requesting the same. The Chair shall file the same with the Secretary of State and attempt to make widespread distribution of the bylaws among Democrats.
    11. Section 11 – Rules of Procedure.
      1. Except as otherwise set forth in these bylaws, the procedure of the meetings of all conventions, committees and subcommittees provided for herein shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order as currently revised.
    12. Section 12 – Amendment of Bylaws.
      1. These bylaws shall be revoked, amended, or added to by action of a State Convention and on a vote of 2/3 of the delegates present and voting. Any such revocations, amendments, or additions shall be certified by the State Chair and the State Secretary and be filed with the Secretary of State within thirty (30) days after the adjournment of said convention. Any proposed amendment to the bylaws shall be summarized in the call for the convention meeting.
    13. Section 13 – Legislative Vacancy.
      1. Within 15 days of notification of the vacancy by the appropriate governing body, the State Chair, in consultation with the appropriate County Chairs shall call a meeting of the county chairs, state committeemen, state committeewomen and precinct committeemen and women affected by the vacancy. Sufficient notification of the vacancy and the meeting shall be made to the interested public via reasonable local media outlets. Any registered democrat residing in the vacant district and wishing to be considered for the legislative position must either appear in person at the meeting or send a written statement of intent. Each candidate will be given the opportunity to present their qualifications and may be questioned by those present. After all candidates have spoken and answered questions, the State Chair should instruct the Central Committee members on the voting process and appoint a tally committee to count the ballots. All votes shall be by signed ballot. All candidates will be considered on the first ballot with county chairs, state committeemen, state committeewomen, precinct committeemen and committeewomen voting for three candidates. After the first ballot, candidates receiving zero votes shall be taken out of consideration. A second signed ballot should be cast.
      2. After this second ballot, the candidate receiving the least number of votes should be removed from consideration. Continue casting ballots and removing the candidate receiving the fewest votes until only three candidates remain. This list of three candidates shall then be submitted by the State Chair to the Board of County Commissioners for each district in which the legislative district is located. All ballots shall be preserved for at least 30 days.
    14. Section 14 – County Vacancy.
      1. Within 15 days of notification of the vacancy by the appropriate governing body, the County Chair shall call a meeting of the precinct committeemen and women affected by the vacancy. Sufficient notification of the vacancy and the meeting shall be made to the interested public via reasonable local media outlets. Any registered Democrat residing in the vacant district and wishing to be considered for the position must either appear in person at the meeting or send a written statement of intent. Each candidate will be given the opportunity to present their qualifications and may be questioned by those present. After all candidates have spoken and answered questions, the County Chair should instruct the Central Committee members on the voting process and appoint a tally committee to count the ballots. All votes shall be by signed ballot. All candidates will be considered on the first ballot with state committeemen, state committeewomen, precinct committeemen and women voting for three candidates. After the first ballot, candidates receiving zero votes shall be taken out of consideration. A second signed ballot should then be cast. After this second ballot, the candidate receiving the least number of votes should be removed from consideration. Continue casting ballots and removing the candidate receiving the fewest votes until only three candidates remain. This list of three candidates shall then be submitted by the County Chair to the Board of County Commissioners. All ballots shall be preserved for at least 30 days.
    15. Section 15—Unpledged Delegates
      1. The delegates, including unpledged delegates (a.k.a. “superdelegates”) to the Democratic National Convention must reflect the will of the party as determined by the vote in county caucuses, with the rounding resulting in whole delegates given to the winner of the caucuses.