Joe M. Barbuto




A fifth generation Wyoming native, Joe has long been active in Democratic politics in the Equality State. Before he was old enough to register to vote, Joe was knocking on doors for local Democratic candidates in his hometown of Rock Springs, a union and Democratic stronghold. In 2002, he received his first statewide campaign experience working as an intern for Ron Akin, the Democratic candidate for Wyoming’s at-large congressional district. Throughout college, he continued to volunteer for numerous campaigns and progressive causes.

In 2008, with support from family and friends, Joe made the decision to seek election to Wyoming House District 48. That November he was elected as the youngest member of the state legislature. During his legislative tenure, he was chosen by his colleagues to serve as House Minority Caucus Chairman and was twice named “Legislator of the Year” by the Wyoming Highway Patrol Association. After leaving the legislature, Joe was elected to serve as Chairman of the Sweetwater County Democratic Party in 2015, and in 2016 was hired as the Operations Director of Greene for Congress.

Joe Lives In Rock Springs, Wyoming With His Wife, Erin, Their Two Rescue Dogs, Chapter And Buddy-Beau, And Henry The Yellow Cat. He Also Served As Treasurer Of Sweetwater County. When He’s Not Immersed In Politics, You Can Find Him Fishing, Enjoying Public Lands, Or Playing Jazz Piano.

Erin O’Doherty

vice chair


Erin O’Doherty came home to Wyoming more than 27 years ago to work as a wildlife ecologist. She is a lifelong activist who cares deeply about providing a healthy, prosperous future for all people for generations to come. Since retiring from her science career she has been applying her database skills to help non-profit organizations and electoral politics.

Mary Haper




Mary Haper has been active in the Wyoming Democratic Party in Fremont County since she moved to Wyoming in October 2011. Since then she has served in numerous leadership positions including Chair for the County Party. She has been locally active in several non-profits such as the Lander Art Center, the League of Women Voters Fremont County, the Lander Climate group, the Fremont County Fiber Arts Guild, and more. Prior to moving to Wyoming, she was active in the Harris County/Houston, Texas Democratic Party, also as Executive Committee member to her local Houston neighborhood Democrats club. She retired early, in December 2000, to take care of her mom who was living with her. During that time Mary was a board member and treasurer for the American Sewing Guild, headquartered in Houston. She also was an active volunteer in Dress for Success Houston, a non-profit helping those who needed nice clothing for job interviews and was a volunteer for Project Linus. Mary was a Certified Facility Manager for Enron Corp for over 20 years. She retired nine months before Enron’s demise but loved her time in management. She attended night and Saturday college classes in several states from 1964 to 1991, achieving a BA from Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio, Texas, while working and raising children. She lives in Lander with Rod, her husband of 37 years; they have three adult children and four grandchildren, ages 24, 22, 18 and 5.She brings to the WyoDems attention to detail, deadlines and decision-making. She is very honored to be selected for the Treasurer position while still serving on the Fremont County Dems Executive Committee.

Dudley Case



Dudley is a retired attorney who practiced in Oak Brook and Chicago, Illinois for 35 years with a private law firm and the U.S. Treasury Department. His college majors were accounting and political science. He also has an LLM (Master’s in Law) in Taxation.

Dudley and his wife, Sharon, moved to Buffalo, Wyoming in January of 2019 to be closer to their son’s family. Dudley has been active in the Wyoming Democratic Party since he moved to Wyoming. He is currently Treasurer, Scholarship Committee Chair, State Committeeman, and a Precinct Committeeman of the Johnson County Democrat Party. He is also Vice Chair of the Powder River Basin Resource Council’s Board of Directors, Treasurer of the Sheridan Area Resource Council, the Secretarial Advisor of the Alumni Chapter Advisory Board for his university fraternity chapter, Beta Nu Chapter of the Theta Chi Fraternity, and an election judge in Johnson County since 2020.

Lucas Fralick

national Committeeman


Lucas has been involved in the Wyoming Democratic Party since 2016 serving a variety of rolls including as State Party Parliamentarian. In 2020 he was elected to serve as National Committeeman. One of his goals is to help make the Wyoming Democratic Party something other State Parties can turn to for innovation in a Red State.

Lucas holds an MA in History from the University of Wyoming and enjoys writing and lecturing on a variety of historical topics. He considers Birding to be one of the best outdoor activities and rarely misses a chance to look for birds. He lives on a small hobby farm outside of Gillette, WY.

Kim Bartlett

National Committeewoman


In addition to her work as Chair of the Hot Springs County Democratic Party, Kim ran for House District 28, and her campaign knocked over 1400 doors throughout Big Horn, Fremont, Hot Springs and Park counties. She is deeply involved in her community as a partner in four local businesses and dedicated member of many grassroots organizations both in Thermopolis and statewide.

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