WDP Responds to Harriet Hageman’s Reelection Announcement

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DATE: January 5, 2024
CONTACT: Mandy Weaver, Communications Director

WDP Responds to Harriet Hageman’s Reelection Announcement

Cheyenne–  Wyoming Democratic Party Chair Joe M Barbuto has released the following statement on Harriet Hageman’s Reelection Announcement.

“In announcing her intent to seek reelection, Harriet Hageman made it clear that her priorities in a second term would be no different than those of her first: serving Donald Trump and the Republican Party. 

At a time when Wyomingites need an advocate, Congresswoman Hageman has spent her time sponsoring symbolic and divisive bills, spreading wild conspiracy theories, and proudly participating in the chaos of the Republican Caucus. 

If Wyoming voters want a representative who approaches the responsibilities of being a member of Congress with a sincere commitment to addressing real issues and finding solutions, they’ll skip the name Harriet Hageman on the ballot in 2024.”
