WDP Applauds Reproductive Freedom Act

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DATE: January 23, 2024
CONTACT: Mandy Weaver, Communications Director

Wyoming Democratic Party Applauds Reproductive Freedom Act

Cheyenne– The Wyoming Democratic Party has released the following statement regarding HB0076 – Reproductive Freedom Act.

For 49 years, the women of Wyoming and our nation could rely on access to safe and legal abortion thanks to Roe Vs Wade. In June of 2022, that access was thrown into jeopardy by the U.S. Supreme Court, opening a flood gate of extremist legislation aimed at restricting the rights of women to make their own decisions regarding reproductive health care. 

This week, the Democratic Caucus of the Wyoming Legislature has affirmed their dedication to the right to freedom from governmental interference with respect to personal reproductive decisions by filing the ‘Reproductive Freedom Act.’ If passed, this legislation would provide landmark protections for the right to choose an abortion, the use of contraceptives, and prevent the unlawful prosecution of those working in health care.

A lot of lawmakers talk about freedom; the fact is, true freedom is ensuring that the right to privacy, bodily autonomy, and ability of women to make decisions about their own reproductive health care are respected and protected.
